Wednesday, May 07, 2008

A picture is worth a thousand words

And at least a thousand memories. Lucky me, I got to play with Barrett's class camera this weekend. A pretty sweet Nikon. Now, of course, my photo obsession has returned.

Here are a few moments from the weekend.

Christina doing her favorite thing... talking on a microphone.

Group shot in front of The Almo

Lluvia finally stopped running from the camera and smiled for a photo.

On the top of a hill on our hike.

Me, nailing a kid in dodge ball. If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.

Dodge ball is pretty much the best sport ever.

Sometimes kids leave stuff behind.

One of my favorite students, Devie, in the river.

I think Christina ate her body weight in s'mores.

I would like it known that burnt marshmallows is a preference, not a result of a lack of patience.

I was lucky enough to convince Laura and Oliva (my awesome friends/future roommates) to come with me. The kids asked if we were sisters because we all had those weird shoes. My feet are the pretty ones.

If you didn't know, I think Buckee's is probably one of the best places Texas has to offer. Christina agrees.

1 comment:

fromthelandoficeandsnow said...

I agree with your assertion about burnt marshmallows 100%. Give them to be burned and crispy anyday over that lovely golden color. I love peeling the layers off. Also, the Chacos on the far left are the same as mine, and yes, yours are lovely.

Made by Lena